Affton provides Terminal Services to many of the world’s largest steamship lines. Located at 420 Gimblin, St. Louis, Missouri, we offer 125 acres of storage capacity with a layout guaranteed to keep your units accessible and eliminate trucker complaints for delay. Public business hours are: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, with 24/7 access to Affton trucks.
Equipment. We segregate, categorize and store empty units according to line and type. Chassis and mounted units are stored in their own area. Multiple late model Taylor top lifts (Taylor 4 and 5 high spotters and service trucks), designed for maximum driver efficienty, are used.
We provide loaded storage in our High Security Enclosure (the HSE). This special area is fenced, lighted, electrified, guarded and under camera surveillance 24 hours a day to provide customers with the most modern security available.